another set of Florals

Very nice, Joel. The third one almost looks like it has some backlighting letting the middle glow.
Scott, thanks so much. When I took the pictures of those two Lilies it was already starting to lightly rain. They were tucked low and under some evergreens, so there could have been some backlighting.
Hey Joel, taking bucksters advice on carrying around some posterboard, I had a thought. I cut out a piece...maybe 5x7 or it would fit in my pocket. I took with me on tonights walk and was totally surprised when it reflected light onto my flowers...not much, but enough to make a bit of a difference. Thought I'd share that with ya.
Hey Joel, taking bucksters advice on carrying around some posterboard, I had a thought. I cut out a piece...maybe 5x7 or it would fit in my pocket. I took with me on tonights walk and was totally surprised when it reflected light onto my flowers...not much, but enough to make a bit of a difference. Thought I'd share that with ya.

Actually, my problem has been how to deal with strong contrasty light on sunny days. I've tried a regular white umbrella but it blocks too much light. So I'm going to invest in a white silk umbrella.

Since I use a tripod for every floral, long exposures aren't a issue in soft diffused light.
reason I brought it up, is 'cause say for instance, strong light...makes heavy shadow on one part, reflect some light on it, and its not as contrasty. If you're lucky it will all be too bright, then you can expose for all of it vs. part of it.


Scott, thanks so much. When I took the pictures of those two Lilies it was already starting to lightly rain. They were tucked low and under some evergreens, so there could have been some backlighting.

I love them when they are lighted from within. These two are examples of what I'm talking about:

Nice set, Joel! I love #1.. just wish it had enough DOF to get the center of the flower in focus too... cute bug! ;)
Very nice set Joel.
Scott, those are two great pictures and examples. I'll have to kept that lighting technique in mind when I'm out in the field.
Charlie, thanks. You hit one of, if not my biggest fault with macro floral work. Having everything I want in focus, and what I don't want out out focus. I keep on letting the background DOF influence my aperture decisions more then they should. Then when I close down the lens even more, and check the preview button, what I think is correct, still turns out to be not enough. I think using the Live View would help, but when it comes to having bugs in the picture, I just don't ever seem to have enough time to react correctly to the situation.

I'm use to using f5.6-f8 as my norm aperture settings. Much past that, the DOF becomes an issue once again.
Charlie, thanks. You hit one of, if not my biggest fault with macro floral work. Having everything I want in focus, and what I don't want out out focus. I keep on letting the background DOF influence my aperture decisions more then they should. Then when I close down the lens even more, and check the preview button, what I think is correct, still turns out to be not enough. I think using the Live View would help, but when it comes to having bugs in the picture, I just don't ever seem to have enough time to react correctly to the situation.

I'm use to using f5.6-f8 as my norm aperture settings. Much past that, the DOF becomes an issue once again.

I understand entirely! Happens in the Macro world all of the time! Are you using your 55-200 on these? What kind of distance from the subjects? Have you got a DOF calculator on your phone.. and do you use it? ;)

P.S. Looks like you need to add a body to your signature! <wink>!
I understand entirely! Happens in the Macro world all of the time! Are you using your 55-200 on these? What kind of distance from the subjects? Have you got a DOF calculator on your phone.. and do you use it? ;)

P.S. Looks like you need to add a body to your signature! <wink>!

For all my floral and macro floral work, I use one of my Kenko extension tubes, usually the middle tube, which is 20mm, and the 55-200mm lens. Focal Length and distance to subject varies all over the place based on size and what composition I want. I never thought of using a DOF chart, but it's a great idea, and I'll download ASAP.

Thanks for the help.

BTW, if I added my body to my signature, there wouldn't be enough room left for my posts.
BTW, if I added my body to my signature, there wouldn't be enough room left for my posts.

Gotcha.. lol! Did you sell your old body, or did you hang on to it?

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