Any deals on the 70-200 F2.8L IS Canon Lens?


TPF Noob!
Feb 25, 2009
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I'm finally pulling the trigger and ordering the 7-200mm F2.8L IS Canon lens. I am looking around and it looke like J&R ( has the best price ($1597) I can find via Windows Live Cashback. is listed there for a cheaper price($1433), but their feedback makes me worry about trying to buy from them.

Does anyone know of any other good deals on that lens? I have wanted this lens for while. I have the F4 version with no IS and love it. I just want the faster glass for a wedding I am shooting in May. I do not want to wait much longer as I am afraid that Canon may match the Nikon price increases.

Anyway, I thought I would check here first.
That is a pretty good price. Also you might want to check out Craigslist. That's where I got mine for $1475 used but in about 9 condition. Are you in New York?
Id love to pick this lens up too, but for more than a thousand I might consider upgrading my body to a full frame instead. I've been watching Craigs list in Minneapolis with no luck... I think once you make the investment for this lens you keep it.
you certainly will, if you need/want this range. Since there aren't another lenses in that range with such great sharpness and quality that lens will be a keeper. And you will not regret paying the $1500+ for this lens. After all, those nikonians could spot you from a mile away and be jealous of this great white (lens) lol
LOL. Answers:

1) I live in NC, but I check Craigslist daily for deals on Canon stuff. Love that place. Just picked up Photoshop CD3 for $135 there in a still shrinkwrapped package.

2) Full Fram - I thought about that too. However, that lens seems to be in almost all serious Canon bags. It's one I think I will truly appreciate, regardless of which body I have. However, I'd love the get the 5D MKII. :)

3) I could not agree more. I love the F4L version I have and would likely still use it for outdoor sports. It's lighter and smaller, but sharp as a tack. However, the F2.8L IS will give me a great indoor lens for weddings, etc.
Amazon has it on sale now for $1619.

[ame=] Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras: Electronics[/ame]
1. Do you need both the f4 & the f2.8?

2. Can you live a few days with out either one?

If the answer is yes then you might want to contact B&H or go to a local photography shop and see what you could get in trade for you f4 and pay the difference.
I don't necessarily need both. However, I will probably keep them. I love the F4 for sports. It's light and fits in a smaller bag. We attend NFL games all season long. They get picky about the size of your bags and that lens works perfectly there.

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