Anyone got a Canon EOS 300 who can explain some of the functions to me?


TPF Noob!
Nov 14, 2005
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United Kingdom
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi Guys,

I've been playing with the function buttons on my camera but I dont know what some of them do.

They are the 4 symbols on the right hand side of the LCD screen, they are :

1 - An Eye - I'm Assuming this is Red Eye on & off
2 - A dot with curves eminating from it
3 - 2 overlapped squares
4 - 3 overlapped squares

The reason I've been looking is I'd like to be able to do some high speed photography where the camera takes multiple shots, like the sport mode, but I feel that the sports mode option is far too slow as its around 1 to 1.5 shots per second.

Cheers guys,

Its the 300 film slr, not digital. I've have a play with it but not taken any photos, the 2 frame option when selected gives me the option of selecting 1 to 9. The 3 frame option seems to give me the exposure control, I was wondering if this is the option that takes 3 shots, 1 normal and one photo either side of the exposure (One under exposed and one over exposed), is that called bracketing?

I will probably just take some shots to see what happens.

The 2 frame option seems to be multiple exposure can choose to shoot as many as 9 exposures on one frame of film.

The 3 frame icon sounds like the continuous shot mode. Typically, you would select this from three modes...Single Shot, Continuous & Self Timer.

I'm guessing you don't have a manual. Have you tried to find it somewhere on-line?
I did have a manual, I um kinda misplaced it!

I did search the net but I got fed up of finding digital stuff. I'll search again soon.

Cheers for your help guys :)

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