Apple for C&C


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2010
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Too yucky for me. Good idea though. I rather see a red apple that is fresh that just got smashed so you dont see the brown crap. Plus you will ad more color due to the red.
It appears to me that the apple is out of focus but the gravel is in focus. I am thinking that this maybe caused by incorrect aperture and you distance to subject is too close.
so i would have wanted a smaller f stop below 5 so the focal point would have been more on the apple and less on the ground?
so i would have wanted a smaller f stop below 5 so the focal point would have been more on the apple and less on the ground?

No, you just would have wanted to focus on the apple.
If you wanted the apple *and* the ground in focus, you would want to stop down your aperture (make your f/# bigger). The bigger the f/#, the greater your depth of field (DOF). Depth of field is how much of the photo is in focus. Small f/# = shallow depth of field = little of the picture in focus. Big f/# = wide depth of field = more of the picture in focus.

If you just want the apple in focus, Tyler is right, you just missed the focus and need to make sure that your auto focus lights up on the apple, not the ground. Or manually focus.

I agree that a fresh apple with lots of color would be better, but I applaud the idea. To be honest, I was almost expecting a photo of a macbook or something, lol.
I am assuming you used auto focus. I do not know why your camera would have focused on the ground instead of the apple when the apple is clearly a large portion of the center of the image. This is why I stated that your subject to camera distance as well as aperture was more than likely incorrect. If you are too close to the apple which is closer to the camera than the ground, your af system might have searched for focus and choose the ground since the apple was too close.
yeah autofocus did that a lot to me, wouldn't he have wanted his f/# higher for narrower? crap now i got to go back and re-read the article.
F/8 = less light, more depth of field (more in focus)
F/2.8 = more light, less depth of field (less in focus)
thanks guys for the great info
Well this is original. Made me throw up in my mouth haha but different!

Def. try and get that focus right...I myself am having some focusing problems lately so I know the feeling.

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