asked to do group shots- help


TPF Noob!
Jun 8, 2006
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i met my old teacher yesterday who asked me what i was up to etc, and i told her i am practicing photography, and shes opening a dance studio and wants me to take photos for her ( black and white ). is there anything i should do to practice before the next couple days when i think she wants me to do it, anything i need to bring, this is my first time doing anything like this. do i ask her if she wants them emailed to her? do i put them on a disk and let her choose which she likes and then develope them for her?
i am going to show her the photos i have taken while practicing though so she knows.
First of all relax you have to start somewhere so it might as well be for a friend. A few pointers.
1. If you are shooting digital no prob. just review and delete
2. if you are shooting film overshoot everything get at least 2 shots of each but better to get more
3. I can't emhasize this enough shoot! shoot! shoot! film or digital you can edit later and let her pick from your edits
4. I think format depends on price if you are doing this for free and she knows where to go to get them printed give her a CD and let that be the end of it (save copies on your harddrive or a CD for yourself of course)

thanks! i wish i could use my film for this, but i dont know my praktica well enough to use it for this..i will use digital, and thank you sooo much for the pointers. i think i got a litte over whelmed because i dont want her disappointed with everything. thank you though, i will go over everything you mentioned
My guess is that you are going to be shooting inside. Practice using fill flash. I don't know you equipment, but if it's a standard consumer zoom, then it's likey that it won't handle low light (though in some of the small digital cameras they've been able to get relative big apertures). If you have to use flash, don't use it full power; use it as fill. Full-power on-camera flash tends to look like a snapshot. Though if it's a weak flash, you might not have much choice. If there's a big window, try to get most of the shots near that.

Good luck!

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