Assign #8: Fill the Frame

Nikon Fan

TPF Noob!
Nov 2, 2004
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This weeks assignment is to fill the frame: subject must be composed so that it intersects with at least 3 sides of the image frame As always this will last until next Monday when a new assignment will be posted. Feel free to still submit your recent shots to the old threads. Also please try and go out and shoot new photos rather than posting old ones :)
An idea which has been kicking around in my head for awhile, thought I'd try to do it for this challenge. Would have liked to have the camera less prominent in the frame, but I couldn't figure out how to do that...

Only just touching 3 sides but thats more error than judgement! (Was supposed to include the whole mill wheel!)

I had put this to one side with the hope of going back and re-shooting it but after seeing this challenge and playing with the B&W conversion I thought I'd put it up.

No problem.

I clouldn't find the image so I highlighted the blank spaces to find the place holder and right clicked it & selected image properties.

The image is is it and it's size is reported at 28 X 30 pixels which when you consider one of the smilies is just 15 X 15 pixels is rather small!

I also just tried to put the URL link into it's own browser window and it's not available. If you're using PS try resizing the origional to about 600 wide & keeping the proportions for the height. It may be worth uploading the image to ImageShack or PhotoBucket & copying the link to here if isn't working.

I hope this helps. Just trying to help!
THIS person, who fills my frame (photos taken some five minutes ago), soooo thinks the same about the life of a cat, our cat, and how much she would like to be a cat sometimes.

So here is my daughter, filling my frame less...


or more.


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