Baby It's Cold Outside

John 2

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Apr 17, 2022
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Preston Lancs_NW UK.
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I find the way that birds fluff up their feathers in cold weather to create an insulating layer, quite fascinating.

Baby it's cold outside.jpg
Nice image.
Wonderful shot.
Beautiful light, nice shot!
Looks like dinner lol.....Love the way it pops from the background. It was nice of it to land there for you.
Thanks all for the comments.

@ApertureF11Sniper, you will almost certainly know that you can't chase wildlife, you have to wait for it to come to you. I was sat on some steps that had been built into a bank of undergrowth when I heard some rustling. I hardly dared move to raise the camera but needn't have worried. The bird just continued on its way.
Thanks all for the comments.

@ApertureF11Sniper, you will almost certainly know that you can't chase wildlife, you have to wait for it to come to you. I was sat on some steps that had been built into a bank of undergrowth when I heard some rustling. I hardly dared move to raise the camera but needn't have worried. The bird just continued on its way.

Tomorrow if I get the chance I will post a pheasant shot that I have... Wildlife shots I know you have to wait or as in the case of almost all of mine they happen right in front of you and it's by chance.

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