

Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
Can others edit my Photos
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...Another guy on the cell phone... ...What a technological progress from mopping the floors by hand...
Nice b&w (bit soft in tones like for me :)), but what is supposed to show ?
I thought this photo was about the "different time/different place/different class" issues between the man of color in the wall decor, shown as he is actually working at mopping floors, versus the young handsome Anglo-looking man leading a life of leisure in some hip, trendy "Millworks" cafe, dicking around, with a $3.79 beverage in front of him, and his eyes glued to the mindless crap that he peruses on his Made in China, $100-a-month smartphone, wasting time on cell-phone-centric crap, as young, handsome, Anglo-looking cafe folk are prone to doing these days.
Sure I will take heat or be ignored, but here I go.

I don't like it. I think its visually uninteresting and the message, while there, is reaching a bit to be coherent. There are some decent elements like the rug and the pattern on the wood but I don't see them adding.

It was well taken and processed but that's all I see that I like.
Thanks for all the responses.
Thanks specifically about Derrel's response which negotiated all the distracting elements to see what I saw.

In taking pictures of real live situations, it is sometimes impossible to eliminate distracting elements and so I had to hope that the central idea would carry through enough.

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