I like the picture Abby, I get what mish is saying about not understanding the correlation but I still like the picture. My barn has almost the same sign which is probably why I like it since I can relate personally.
Maybe that's why I don't get it? Why can't you smoke right there? lol
I've always been one of those people that thinks, if you are going to use selective color that there should be a good reason. It should really help tell the story in the picture or even envoke emotion.
It's not selective color; its desaturated pretty far and the white balance adjusted real warm - which I guess brought out the orange on the sign. I generally dont like selective color either.
I spose a better story would have been to try and show some hay bales to tell why you cant smoke there. I was more or less just snapping away concentrating on the shapes things made in the picture, not the actual content. :meh: I realize now that this probably wasnt the best idea.
It will work as a kind of texture-and-pattern shot, but only if you desaturate the sign a lot more so it doesn't get all the attention. It also wouldn't hurt to brighten the top half of the scissors a bit so it is easier to see.
Now throw a really hot cowboy in there with a lit cigarette and then the stories complete haha. Sorry Im all about the man candy since the Guys of TPF thread lol. Kidding. Use some hale bales to stack up against the wall or something but that might work better.
I only knew why because I have a barn with hay and horses Mish. :hug::
My monitor must be pretty screwed up, because the orange doesnt look all that noticeable to me! But I gave your suggestions a try. Here:
edit: Dee (I just now see your post!), unfortunately hot cowboys are in pretty short supply around here! I'll keep my eye out and ask him for his help if I find him.
I think there was a better composition in there somewhere. I frequently take a shot and no others, get home and then think of the framing I should have been chasing. But it escaped me. (Unless I want to go back) I would maybe try to frame only the wood, chain and old motor. Leaving out the modern stuff.