bicycle anger - color or b&w?


TPF Noob!
Jul 8, 2008
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Which one do you like? I could also use any c&c, so feel free. I know the light on his back is a little bit hot, but other than that, I like this shot.


I think that color could definitely work better for this one, but the processing seems a little strange, mainly the foilage in the foreground. So for this one color, but B&W could work better. Another edit maybe?

Also, is that a Hasselblad in your avatar?
This picture seems really odd to me. I don't understand what story it's trying to portray.
Color is better. The editing for the B&W is a bit weird looking.
I would have liked the B&W more if the bike didn't blend in so much..

I don't get the smoke though?
I think that color could definitely work better for this one, but the processing seems a little strange, mainly the foilage in the foreground. So for this one color, but B&W could work better. Another edit maybe?

Also, is that a Hasselblad in your avatar?
The first one is almost strait out of the camera except for a crop, and i air brushed some of the black.

and yes that is a hasselblad lol :)

This picture seems really odd to me. I don't understand what story it's trying to portray.
i wasn't trying to portray anything really i just thought it would look cool. thats what what i saw in my minds eye haha.

I would have liked the B&W more if the bike didn't blend in so much..

I don't get the smoke though?

its not smoke, the thing he's breaking on the bike is a log halogen light bulb the first time he broke it my lights misfired, he then had this long chunk of it left in his hand so i asked him to break that, the stuff trailing the light is dust that was inside of the bulb.

ne other comments?
I like the color one better.
On another note, if you do this again, I would get him to put on some leather gloves, i've seen those things break into a miilion pieces before. I'd hate to see your subject end up in the ER.
I like the color one better.
On another note, if you do this again, I would get him to put on some leather gloves, i've seen those things break into a miilion pieces before. I'd hate to see your subject end up in the ER.

leather gloves would ruin the look lol.
leather gloves would ruin the look lol.

I wont comment on your disregard for your subjects safety. I will say however that the dust contains mercury, and both of you were exposed. Congratulations.
I wont comment on your disregard for your subjects safety. I will say however that the dust contains mercury, and both of you were exposed. Congratulations.

I know it contains mercury, and the subject is my brother, so no there was no disregard for my subject. Those lights only contain about 4mg of mercury, not enough to do much to either of us. but thanks for your concern.
The amount of mercury in a cfl is roughly 5 mg, the tubes are much higher. When broken, the mercury vaporizes. One cfl bulb has enough mercury to cause 100x the maximum fedral chronic exposure amount once vaporized. Just some food for thought.

I would prefer you hit the bike with something more substatial. Try a 2x4 or something like that. He doesnt even have to hit it, just swing it to capture the motion blur.

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