Big Ball Head - help deciding


TPF Noob!
Sep 9, 2014
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Hove UK
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Dear all, I am in need of a heavy duty ball head with a rating of at least 30kg. I wanted the largest size ball to hopefully get the most solid lockup, and have two contenders:

The ARTCISE MB52, and Rollei T7S Mark II (decided I may as well go TS7 over the TS5) and can't decide between them.

The MB52 has a 52mm ball!!, plus it has two panoramic plates, and comes with two Arca plates. 52mm ball!

The Ts7 is a Rollei, ok, am I just attracted to the brand? But it has a 40kg rating, independently adjustable resistance. The ball size is not specified, but is probably more like 44-45mm.

Which way to go?
I got the Innorell N52, which is the same as the Articise and I really like it. I have had it for over 6 months and just got the carbon fiber tripod of the same brand and I think they are working well together.

It is currently sitting in my living room holding one of my 1Dx camera's with a Sigma 105mm Macro and a flash trigger on it. Been there for a day now with no problems.
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I got the Innorell N52, which is the same as the Articise and I really like it. I have had it for over 6 months and just got the carbon fiber tripod of the same brand and I think they are working well together.

It is currently sitting in my living room holding one of my 1Dx camera's with a Sigma 105mm Macro and a flash trigger on it. Been there for a day now with no problems.

Thanks for the input, I've ordered the ARTCISE MB52, it's got a 52mm ball, so, well, I just had to.
I got the Innorell N52, which is the same as the Articise and I really like it. I have had it for over 6 months and just got the carbon fiber tripod of the same brand and I think they are working well together.

It is currently sitting in my living room holding one of my 1Dx camera's with a Sigma 105mm Macro and a flash trigger on it. Been there for a day now with no problems.

Thanks for the input, I've ordered the ARTCISE MB52, it's got a 52mm ball, so, well, I just had to.

Yes, the one I have is the 52mm ball as well. And much cheaper than the Really Right Stuff one that I really would love to have.
Yes, the one I have is the 52mm ball as well. And much cheaper than the Really Right Stuff one that I really would love to have.

Wow the prices of that RRS version!!! Can it be that much better?
Yes, the one I have is the 52mm ball as well. And much cheaper than the Really Right Stuff one that I really would love to have.

Wow the prices of that RRS version!!! Can it be that much better?

I wished I could give you a review on both to tell you for sure. But I would say yes, as they are hand made in California instead of being mass produced. I like the knobs on the RRS big ballhead but I haven't had a chance to use it. I know a few people that have them and they absolutely love them. I watch videos on youtube with a lot of people that have them.

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