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Black and white photos (8)


TPF Noob!
Jul 11, 2006
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Hmm, I like this style. The format, the soft tones.. I will probably keep taking more photos like this. :) Canon EOS 300QD, film. Converted to b&w, dodged and tones added in Photoshop CS.

1. This is an old shot, but cropped in a new way. Like it more. :) Though, the quality seems a little low.. Ah well, I guess it's the shot that matters the most.

2. My friend Victor with a shirt that fits well with the stairs. He's holding the camera in a pretty funny way there. He usually doesn't. ;)

3. On a foggy morning.

4. Some spiders.

5. Abstractness, omg!

6. And some.. thing.. :confused:

7. Caught this in my hand.

8. A road. With no cars. STRANGE HUH?!?!?3+ed :)

Well, that's all kids! Hope you like. :)
Thanks guys. :)
I find the soft tones really working in your series. No.1 is wonderfully moody, I only wish I could see a whole reflection.
Thanks! Any more comments? :)
Wow, they are awsome images. No.1 and no.7 stands out to me. I lreally like your processing technique :thumbup:
Wow! I love your technique! 1 and 7 are the best for me too!
i like how the pics have a slight warm tint to them. they arent quite sepia but they look good. number 1 and 7 are the best from this lot.
I'm in love with the first photo :). Nice b&w and softness.
You said you cropped this photo? Did you by any chance crop out some of the reflection? If so i would love to see a version with the whole reflection.
Thanks guys! :D

Djengizz: Nope, the reflection was like that from the beginning, sorry. :)
1, 2, 6 and 7 are amazing.

What did you do exactly to these pics in PS? I'm curious to know how you got the moody tones.
the first one is stunning!!!! I love it and would like to have something like this on my wall!

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