Blowing Rock Preserve


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 12, 2008
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taken after sunset in Jupiter Florida, your comments are greatly appreciated :mrgreen:


I really like #1, but #2 doesn't do it for me. I wish I could figure out why though, I just can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's the rock looks more prominent when it breaks the horizon in #1.
I think the problem with the second image is in the shutter length. Since the water is busier than in 1, the longer shutter length makes it look too smooth, almost like a flat plane was just painted with the foamy image (computer generated). While I love the contrast between the white foam and dark sand, the continuing high contrast throughout the image is a little harsh.

I also have a problem with the way the water appears to interact with the rocks. In 1, you can see the reflection and some haze indicating that there is some interaction, that the rocks are disrupting the water. In 2, the water appears so smooth that it is almost as if the rocks are just floating on a peaceful pond. There is no reflect, and the lines of foam almost mimic their movement in the rest of the image.

Otherwise, both are great compositions.
great shots, they kind of remind me of something Linnens N Things would be selling as pre-framed art
Really nice. I dig them a lot. Care to share what kinda gear you shot them with and what you might have done in post?
Thanks alot for the comments everyone :thumbup:
these were shot using a Canon 40D, Canon 10-22 wide angle lens w/Singh Ray Warming Polarizer, Tripod mounted
6 sec exp @ f11 on shot #1
1.3 sec exp @ f11 on shot #2
these were shot in RAW format and converted in CS3 abd tweaked on layers and levels, nothing real fancy here :mrgreen: Thanks again for the comments all :thumbup: :mrgreen:
Really great shots... I like them a lot - especially the first one
I prefer the 1st one. I think the water in the second one does looked imaged, too smooth.

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