Anisquam Harbor Light at sunset


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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These were taken last weekend at Anisquam Light in Gloucester MA. The forecasted clouds were a bit sparser than expected but there was so much moisture in the air that the colors held for what seemed like hours. This is a beautiful spot at sunset, especially when the tide is low. Comments and/or critique always appreciated.

Anisquam Light by SharonCat..., on Flickr

Anisquam Light by SharonCat..., on Flickr

Anisquam Light by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Very nicely done, I prefer No. 1 and No. can see both images in great detail.
Oh my those are gorgeous. How do we nominate for photo of the month?
What a great series. Beautiful colours and really good composition of an interesting subject..
Very nice set, #1 and #3 are really good. However, #2 is no slouch either.
Very nicely done, I prefer No. 1 and No. can see both images in great detail.
Thanks very much! 1 is my favorite of these.
Oh my those are gorgeous. How do we nominate for photo of the month?
Thank you! I would offer to help but that seems weird since it’s my photo. Instead, I will tag Mr POTM himself, @snowbear to assist you!
A very nice set.....
Thank you Jeff…,,
What a great series. Beautiful colours and really good composition of an interesting subject..
Thanks John!
Very nice set, #1 and #3 are really good. However, #2 is no slouch either.
Thank you, much appreciated!
That is a gorgeous set!
Thanks so much!
<<<<<<Odd man out...I like #2 ;)
Thanks! That one is probably the most true to how it looked before editing. In the others I lifted the shadows and tweaked the wb in the foregrounds. Have you been there?
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Oh my those are gorgeous. How do we nominate for photo of the month?
Not too hard. Instructions are for Chrome running on Windows; if you have something else, it might differ. Easier with two tabs open since you jump back and forth a couple times.

1. Right click on the photo you want to nominate and select "Copy image address".
2. Open a second tan and go to the POTM Nominations thread for May 2022.
3. In the Reply window of the thread, hit the return key a couple of times to get some blank lines., then right click and select "Paste." That should copy the photo to the nominations.
4. Back to this thread (first tab). Right click on the "#1" at the top-right of Square Peg's original post. Select "Copy Link Address"
5. Back to tab #2 (the nomination). Go to one of the blank lines you put over the image, and type the name of the photo and "by @SquarePeg"
6. Hit return to go to a new line then right click and hit paste. This should put the address of her original post. Don't worry it it doesn't turn blue and get underlined, I'll fix all that when I create the voting thread. The important thing is that you place the address for this thread, so I can find it later.
Umm it says no further responses at the bottom of the thread and won't let me post.
Wow, gorgeous colors you captured. #3 for me. I like the bit of extra foreground in it.
There are two kinds of lighthouse pictures, good and better. These are clearly in the better. I especially like no. 1. It has everything I want in a lighthouse photo, rugged landscape, water, colorful sky, picturesque lighthouse all composed so nicely in this photo.

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