
TPF Noob!
Feb 15, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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I suppose to blur the foreground of a photo, I should use a smaller aperture on a zoom lens.

I am having unreliable results when trying to blur either the background OR the foreground. However, right now, I'm interested in foreground blurring.

Any tips from anyone?

Blurring the background is the same principle as blurring the want to use a shallow DOF and focus on what you want to be in focus....the farther away from your 'focus point'...the more something will appear out of focus.

For example, if you are next to a tree and you want to photograph a mountain in the background with the tree out of focus...use a large aperture (small F number) and focus on the mountain. The tree will likely be out of focus...especially if it's close to the camera. If you took the same shot but with a very small aperture (high F number) then you may get both the tree and the mountain in focus.
Blurring the background is the same principle as blurring the background...
Yeah, way to state the obvious there.... :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Remember kids, if you want less noise, use the lowest ISO possible. On the other hand, if you want less noise, then you would use the lowest ISO possible...
Well..... it is the same idea.

In my wonderfully taken sample pic, I used a large aperture, 2.8 and focused on the bird, putting the few leaves in front OOF.

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