Bond falls

Grandpa Ron

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Aug 9, 2018
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Whenever we visit Michigan, we try to find a waterfall or two. Recently, we were near Watersmeet in the UP and a sunny break in the weather allowed us to visit Bond falls. It is the first of three waterfall down a stretch of the middle branch of the Ontonagon river. We will be back for the other two when we do not have to chip ice off the foot path. :chuncky:

IMG_0597 fig 2.webp
Interesting shot GR - are the falls frozen?
The falls were not frozen, but you can see hunks of ice that have washed down the river and gathered at the base of the falls.

I was a bit surprised. Since the shutter was at 1/100s, I expected more stop action of the water. The ISO was 100 and the Aperture f5.6.

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