Bottle Caps!


TPF Noob!
Sep 22, 2010
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Bowling Green, KY
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...the chalky stomach ache :lol: Got these to snack on while the wife and I watched movies this past weekend. I forgot how much of a stomach ache they can be when you eat too many of them. Anyway, I had the rig out when shooting her valentine's flowers so I thought I'd toss these out on the table and shoot them too while I was at it!

It's a love/hate thing... :lol:
I like SOME bottle caps. Cool photo

-Please ignore typos I'm currently on my phone-
EIngerson said:
Love bottle caps, Love the photo. :)

One of the few candies I like :)
bottle cap...bottle cap..bottle cap... what are they???? then only i can decide to love or hate ;)
But i don't have wait to declare my liking for the image :D
Super photo. Nicely done. Are bottle Caps like those Sweet Heart candies? Rather have a Snicker bar.
I used to like the root beer flavored ones. Have not seen them around in years!
I used to like the root beer flavored ones. Have not seen them around in years!

Gosh I hate those...everytime I get a thing of bottle caps sure enough I end up with a root beer one

-Please ignore typos I'm currently on my phone-
I have some too... But of a different, not edible variety. I guess this is the one thing I collect. I just grabbed a handful out of the bag I have.

I found that you'll also get a stomach ache if you drink too much beer. Apparently they're not so different afterall...


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