Bought an old lens at a flea market, need help finding an adapter


TPF Noob!
Jul 28, 2011
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Picked up this beauty for $20 at a flea market today. I realize that getting an adapter is going to degrade the quality a bit but for $20 it seemed like to big a steal to pass up. :D



So I need help finding an adapter that fits it. I've already found the lens which looks almost identical on ebay(Vivitar Close Focus 28mm f/2.0 Manual Focus Lens for Canon FD | eBay) -- but the lens itself says MC on the ring. What should I be looking for, an MC adapter or canon FD adapter?
Are these lenses for the Canon FD mount? MC is most likely Mirror Coated, and nothing do do with the mount. Since you haven't stated what your camera is, difficult to say about the adapter. If you have a Canon DSLR, plenty of FD-EF adapters are available, but most are said to degrade the quality. If you want inexpensive old glass, look for M42 lenses, many of which can be had for cheap, and can be used on most EF cameras with simple ring adapters.
Info on your lens:

Vivitar | RL EDITION | 28mm 1:2.8 | CLOSE FOCUS | MC | NO. 28xxxxxx | Ø49mm

manufacturer: Komine
filter: 49mm
markings: green meter scale
full focus range:
front element turns:
aperture blades:
aperture range: f/2.8-f/16
minimum focus: 23cm marked
maximum magnification: 1:5
diameter / length:
comment: "RL EDITION" simply means the lens was marketed with a 7 year warranty in place of the usual 5 years. Likely identical to K02.

Looks like it might be a Pentax K/M mount.
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Looks like pentax K mount, and it's probably a garbage lens...

I've never used a vivitar lens where I've thought "oh wow, this is great!"
Looks like pentax K mount, and it's probably a garbage lens...

for $20 its still a lens, I wasn't expecting to replace any of my regular glass with it. just a fun buy ;)
Don't knock Vivitar lenses. I used to have a 100-300 zoom (or thereabouts) back in my film days and got very acceptable results. I even put a Vivitar 2x extender behind it 'just for kicks' while out in Seattle for a couple of days and got some astounding shots of snow Mt Ranier from one of the islands in the sound.
Nothing wrong with Vivitar lenses............back in the day their Series 1 stuff was pretty highly regarded. You'll need a (what ever mount it is) to Canon eos adapter. You will then have a 28mm lens that won't meter and won't auto focus but, it might be fun.
yeah man.. garbage.. You can find a lot of these at pawnshops and thrift stores. Usually they just lay around with not caps!
It was a steal alright, they stole your $20.

If I can get anything in quality like the LAST $20 vivitar lens I bought...


...I think I can live with that.

I'll be sure to post some test shots when the ring adapter arrives.
WOW.. im not much for flower pictures, but I can't stop looking at it! lol Id be very happy with the quality of that. Id say it may be worth trying to use if you can find a cheap enough adapter. 28s are somewhat expensive so I can see why you were so excited.

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