
Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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It's been a busy last couple of months so I haven't spent much time here on the forums.

Anyways I picked up this Yashica FX-2 at a flea market (more like a yard sale than anything) for $12 that I couldn't pass up. Came with a couple lenses too. The camera was in very rough shape but as you can tell in the video it doesn't look bad....I want to make a post on that later.

I thought it would be cool to adapt the Yashica DSB 50mm f1.9 to my Nikon Z6II so I came across this Pholsy adapter on Amazon and decided to give it a chance. I'm very happy with it! Great quality, fits well on the Z mount. No light leaks or any weirdness and by the way...very impressed by the Yashica lens. Super sharp for what it is! More on that another day.

I been wanting to get back into making YouTube videos so I thought this adapter would be a good simple video to make to kinda get me feet wet again haha.

I'd appreciate it if you could give it a watch. I tried my best and yes, I know I am saying Yashica wrong. I couldn't pronounce it the correct way without it causing me to start stuttering so I had to say it in a way that wouldn't cause that due to my speech impediment. It's just one of the tools that has help me over the years to overcome my stuttering. But nonetheless, I had fun making the video and also gave me a chance to use the Google Pixel 7!

Adapters are great. So many lenses, so little time. Enjoy!

Fit and finish on the sub-Rolex priced models has never been better. So for around a hundred bucks, you can shoot 3-4 different mounts. Dumb fun!

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