brother/sister portraits


TPF Noob!
Jul 30, 2009
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Virginia Beach, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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figured the puppies been getting all the attention, so i did brother and sister portraits. brother happens to be daddy to the puppies as well. :)

1. Fiona

2. Gilligan (daddy to the puppies)

i know the lighting sucks. i tried to find lights around the house, but sadly there's nothing i can use. looking for any ideas on angles/poses that would work i guess as the human version of a portrait. since there's no shoulders/arms/elbows would cropping out just their heads work best, or does only full body shots work?
I am definitely NOT an expert in animal photography. However, the shot of Fiona looks better (to me) than that of Gilligan for whatever that's worth.
Both dogs are captured well. Their expressions are charming, endearing, and fun to look at. Focus looks good, but the color balance or white balance looks a bit too yellow to me, and I think the framing is overly tight,especially on Gilligan. The tight framing is causing tension, but it'd be a simple matter to create a larger canvas in PS and put the dogs into a slightly larger black field.

I think the shot of Gilligan would look awesome if the framing were a bit looser--he's a good looking dog. If you post-process Gilligan's shot to frame him more loosely and if you cloned in a small catchlight on his eye to camera-right to match the catchlight in the camera-left eye, his shot would look very Purina-like.
thanks guys!

derrel: thanks for the tips. i'll give it a try by cheating in photoshop! the tight framing was due to where they were placed. it was a small corner table with a blanket draped over it and laying across a handrail, and i didnt want any of the background of the room showing in the frame. :(
looks like the white balance is off in the second one, unless the dog is yellowish instead of white :)
OK that's it. I'm taking photo's of mine this weekend. If I can ever get them sitting still that is.. jacks aren't known for being still often :D
How did you get them to stand there lol? My sisters dog won't sit still for all the treats in the world...

it was a quite smallish table, and these two are the ones currently showing so they're used to standing still in one place which helps a lot. well, that and the doggie treats my gf was holding standing out of frame didnt hurt either. :P

looks like the white balance is off in the second one, unless the dog is yellowish instead of white :)

yea...i left wb on auto and adjusted in lightroom. i felt i made the first too cool and left the 2nd too warm, but i was more looking for a quick edit to get them posted for any advice on how to do a proper doggy portrait. im not experienced enough to know what the norm is for pet photographers. :(

OK that's it. I'm taking photo's of mine this weekend. If I can ever get them sitting still that is.. jacks aren't known for being still often :D

yah, but im sure you can get some great action shots from him! :)
How did you get them to stand there lol? My sisters dog won't sit still for all the treats in the world...

it was a quite smallish table, and these two are the ones currently showing so they're used to standing still in one place which helps a lot. well, that and the doggie treats my gf was holding standing out of frame didnt hurt either. :P

looks like the white balance is off in the second one, unless the dog is yellowish instead of white :)

yea...i left wb on auto and adjusted in lightroom. i felt i made the first too cool and left the 2nd too warm, but i was more looking for a quick edit to get them posted for any advice on how to do a proper doggy portrait. im not experienced enough to know what the norm is for pet photographers. :(

OK that's it. I'm taking photo's of mine this weekend. If I can ever get them sitting still that is.. jacks aren't known for being still often :D

yah, but im sure you can get some great action shots from him! :)

Being a bully lover myself, I just keep looking at those beautiful dogs and can't concentrate enough to criticize. I think they look great as they are... :mrgreen:


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