Bugs at Pinhey Sand Dunes


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Feb 13, 2024
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In Ottawa we have ancient sand dunes left from a sea that existed here thousands of years ago. These old dunes host a variety of insect life, including the Bronzed Tiger Beetle. They are predatory. In the middle pic you can see it has caught a small bee.

R7_D5090 Ghost Tiger Beetle.jpg

R7_D5127 Ghost Tiger Beetle.jpg

R7_D5131 Ghost Tiger Beetle.jpg
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Nice detailed shots and thanks for the background - I guessed predatory with a face like that!
Nice shots!

Nice detailed shots and thanks for the background - I guessed predatory with a face like that!

That face must have inspired a lot of 1950s horror/sci-fi films!
Also at the sand dunes - Yellow Crab Spider waiting for customers with open arms.

R007_D5176 Crab Spider.webp
Scary looking beetle.
A couple of beetles from the sand dunes.

Red-necked Cane Borer
R7_D5165 Red-necked Cane Borer-Edit.webp

Soldier Beetle - Podabrus sp
R7_D5062 Soldier Beetle - Podabrus sp.webp
Very nice set of bugs I never seen before.

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