By the hair of his chinny chin chin..... (repost)


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 18, 2007
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Okay, so his chin hair is OOF, but the nose!!!, the nose!!! :lol:


Since there were a few positive comments previously..... and.... we have a new MACRO forum, I thought I'd repost this one.
:lol: sniff, sniff sniff, do I smell food? :lol:

:thumbup: Nice shot.
I am dogsitting for my uncle, and have to watch this psycho Boston terrier who ways less then my 14-24.
augh! when I saw this I said outloud, "NICE!"..this is really good. I love detailed texture stuff like this..especially if there's a simple backdrop.
I restate that nikon needs fast glass.
great pyr?
:confused: Do you mean a Great Pyrenees? Hell no, he's a 23lb Parson's Jack Russell, but I guarantee if he met a male GP, he'd have a go at him. The little ba$tard doesn't care about size. :lol:
Thanks Dan, awfully kind of you to comment.

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