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C&C Please?


TPF Noob!
Jun 2, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I recently took a long awaited trip out west to B.C., and I brought my D90 of coarse. Heres a small handful of what I captured on my vacation. Tell me what you think and give some comments or critiques if you have any. Thanks =)

Just so you know I am not posting any EXIF data this time around. I have tinkered with the photos to a degree where it is no longer relevant...


1)Some fellow fishermen netting a Coho on the west coast of British Columbia with West Coast Resorts.


2)This "living wall" boggles my mind...


Just another foggy day on the north west coast of British Columbia.
Any C&C?
The first one seems too hazy and under exposed in some spots for my liking, but I really like #2!

#3 gives me mixed feelings. I like the foggy look, but it's almost like it's not foggy enough to be fog... like it could just be a foggy lens or something.
Can I take a shot at adjusting your fog pic?

Go for it. I'd like to see what you can do with it.

Alright, the first pic is the original, just tweaked. The second pic has a little bit of extra fog added. Keep in mind that the original was pretty small so the editing is a little sloppy, particular in the color area.


Can I take a shot at adjusting your fog pic?

Go for it. I'd like to see what you can do with it.

Alright, the first pic is the original, just tweaked. The second pic has a little bit of extra fog added. Keep in mind that the original was pretty small so the editing is a little sloppy, particular in the color area.



Any chance you can explain what you did to both photos? Both are great.
Go for it. I'd like to see what you can do with it.

Alright, the first pic is the original, just tweaked. The second pic has a little bit of extra fog added. Keep in mind that the original was pretty small so the editing is a little sloppy, particular in the color area.



Any chance you can explain what you did to both photos? Both are great.

Do you use photoshop?

in #2 I simply used a couple levels adjustments to bring up contrast in the trees and bring out more of the fog around the boat and skiy. and used a saturation adjustment to the trees and a little to the rocks below. Mainly just changing the yellows into greens. I applied a few gradiant masks to the levels adjustments to help isolate how they were applied.

The second one is exactly the same just with some white brush strokes over the water on a new layer. Then a box blur applied to that giving the fog effect.

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