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TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2011
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Marion, AR
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Finally got to get the new camera out and play with it some! I'm at work so all my pictures are going to be water related but I figured anything available to shoot will help me get the hang of it.

1. I LOVE this one but my autofocus grabbed the tree. I would give anything if it would have gotten the sign and trees beside it.


2. This one is a little boring but I like how it turned out.


3. My guys out there working...I wasn't holding the camera straight so I need to rotate it.


4. This one is a little underexposed. I need to go in and lighten the trees up some but I don't think it's too bad to be able to fix.


5. I think I like how this one turned out.

If the haze is natural I'd have wanted most in focus. Love the composition, the eerie vibe. 2 & 3: you said it. 4 & 5: both are pretty bland to me. Unfortunately, not 100% sure why. Maybe the bluish hue that dominates. ???
#4 and #5 look like the sky on the intro of The Simpson. Very unnatural.
Wow, love the black and white...I didn't think of that. Yes, the clouds look different, but they were VERY odd looking even in person. When I would change the settings either the clouds would blow out or I would lose all their detail...clouds are hard! Lol. Also, there is a lot of blue in the pictures but the sky was very blue and then all the water. Is there a way to tone it down some or is it just going to be what it is? Thanks for the input everyone! I'm learning a lot and snapping tons of pictures while playing with the settings to see how one effects the others.
I love the first photo and the modification by Schwettylens makes it fantastic. Schwettylens, what did you do to get this look? I have a couple of photos that I converted to B&W, but I really like yours.
I like the B&W like what Schwettylens did. Here's my quick edit:


I got rid of the sign because it was distracting and didn't add anything to the photo.
The picture is of Bayou Cannot just north of Mobile Alabama on the Mobile river...that "sign" tells us towboats to NOT go that way because there is an Amtrack train bridge down there. If you google it, you will see it has been hit once before and a lot of people died because of it...yes, the sign is there for a reason! But I know what you are saying with it being distracting in the picture.

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