C&C please


TPF Noob!
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Any C&C is greatly appreciated on either of these. Thanks in advance =)


I'm sorry I forgot to give the settings used. on the first one: F/5, 1/20, iso 100.

The second one: F/6.3, 1/80, iso 250
The first one looks a little off-center. I think it would be a better if it were more symetrical; maybe even in portrait orientation. Just a smidge underexposed; could use a little more detail in the buildings. I really like the subject!

The second one just doesn't do it for me. I (personally) don't find the subjest that interesting and maybe that is all. Other than that, it is okay to me.
^ Second. The layout is great but like cwcaesar said, those pictures have to be dead center or they look quickly done. Touch it up a smudge or go back to redo the picture and it would be a keep we
I'll go back and retake it. How would you recommend grabbing more detail in the buildings? I would love more detail but unsure how to grab it?


I can see how the close up could be dry in subject matter, is this one any better for ya??
I like number two, the "1/2" makes it interesting. I don't like the shadow across the middle of the number or how the oval is cut off on the left hand side. I would use a larger aperture, step back and zoom in. You will be able to shoot faster with a lower ISO and it will blur the background nicely.

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