C&C: Shot in Desert with flash

Derek Zoolander

TPF Noob!
Dec 15, 2008
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I posted this in the People Photography forum and now I'm posting it here. I hope that's not illegal...

This was taken at my sisters house. She has a great view out into the desert. Let me know what you think please!








are these still "snap-shotty"? if so, how do i get away from that?
Wow, these really look great! At first, I thought the first few were barely overexposed, but the more I looked, I think it's an illusion. Or perhaps that the light isn't very diffuse. They all look pretty good, but I really think 5 & 6 are outstanding. The soft light and the dusk lighting really looks great.

The last one is good too, but it doesn't catch me as much as the others.
I love these, snap shotty never crossed my mind, I think the depth of field makes it look more professional. I also love the pink dress, the saturation is perfect.

I'm very new to photography(3 months now) i never thought about using my flash in the daytime, it looks really good in these, creates great highlights.
The lighting on these are pretty good. I think they are just a bit too over-saturated for my taste.
I like 4 and 5 a lot!

What did you use to shoot these?
Thanks for the comments everyone. It feels good to at least feel like I'm improving and getting closer to my goal, which is to be able to take a picture that looks nearly professional. i'm trying to make my purchase of this camera a justified one!

I like 4 and 5 a lot!

What did you use to shoot these?

I used a Canon Rebel Xs and a crappy $20 mini flash (im hoping to upgrade soon) shot through a homemade snoot (made from foam paper) for the outdoor ones and then that same flash shot through an umbrella for the indoor ones. In hindsight, I probably didn't need to use a snoot for the outdoor ones, probably would've done just as well with an umbrella...
I used a Canon Rebel Xs and a crappy $20 mini flash (im hoping to upgrade soon) shot through a homemade snoot (made from foam paper) for the outdoor ones and then that same flash shot through an umbrella for the indoor ones. In hindsight, I probably didn't need to use a snoot for the outdoor ones, probably would've done just as well with an umbrella...

Haha, these shots made me think that a new flash had to be next in my purchasing order but I would've never thought a $20 flash would've got these results. I think these shots look great, especially 5 and 6. Great work using what you have and this goes to prove it doesn't always take the fanciest equipment to get quality photos.
Thanks for the comments everyone. It feels good to at least feel like I'm improving and getting closer to my goal, which is to be able to take a picture that looks nearly professional. i'm trying to make my purchase of this camera a justified one!

I used a Canon Rebel Xs and a crappy $20 mini flash (im hoping to upgrade soon) shot through a homemade snoot (made from foam paper) for the outdoor ones and then that same flash shot through an umbrella for the indoor ones. In hindsight, I probably didn't need to use a snoot for the outdoor ones, probably would've done just as well with an umbrella...

Very cool!

Sorry one more question, what lenses did you use?

Haha, these shots made me think that a new flash had to be next in my purchasing order but I would've never thought a $20 flash would've got these results. I think these shots look great, especially 5 and 6. Great work using what you have and this goes to prove it doesn't always take the fanciest equipment to get quality photos.

Thank you very much. This is the first time I've posted something and feel that i got a pretty genuinely positive response so I'm feeling less discouraged about the photos im taking!

Very cool!

Sorry one more question, what lenses did you use?


No worries, ask away. I've been asking the crap out of people when I see pictures i like.

For all of these I used the nifty 50 lens! 50mm F1.8 for 50 bucks! I love it and highly suggest you pick one up if you are in the market for a good beginner lens. I dont even use my kit lens anymore.
No worries, ask away. I've been asking the crap out of people when I see pictures i like.

For all of these I used the nifty 50 lens! 50mm F1.8 for 50 bucks! I love it and highly suggest you pick one up if you are in the market for a good beginner lens. I dont even use my kit lens anymore.

It looks really sharp or way better than my kits lenses. I was going to spend a bunch on a 17-55 2.8 and still might get it. But I might just have to pick up a 50mm 1.4 prime now for way less.

Or would that be pointless if I buy the 17-55 2.8 since that lens is really sharp. I guess the 50 would be faster.

What was your SS and Fstop on some of those photos?

Thanks for your help!
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Nice shots but imo they are over saturated try toning it down a bit and they will be much better and natural.

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