C.C. Whiskey


TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2009
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United States, PA
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Shot-A-Day » C.C. Whiskey


It's quite a shame there isn't any left, all that's in there now is change.

I'm somewhat proud of myself, I took this photo straight from camera and the only editing done was a little cropping, the color change was done with settings on my camera.

Taken With:
- Sony Alpha A300 DSLR
- – Sigma 28-300mm 3.5-6.3/f DG

Nice photo. If you have a chance to shoot the whiskey again, however, I would try to light it more evenly. The right half is too underexposed. I think if you could get the whole shot at the same exposure as the left part of the bottle this image would be a lot better.
Nice photo. If you have a chance to shoot the whiskey again, however, I would try to light it more evenly. The right half is too underexposed. I think if you could get the whole shot at the same exposure as the left part of the bottle this image would be a lot better.

Thanks, I think I will try that later on then. The bottle is sitting less then ten feet from my computer, so it shouldn't be to hard to get to. :D
I actually like it a little shadowy- gives it a mysterious pirate feel. Lol

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