camera question


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2010
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I just recently purchased a Canon T1i and I noticed that with lite colored back ground i get the lines in the photo. My question is this the camera or me setting it up? Attached is a photo with this issue. What I am talking about is on the right side of the photo in the white area.
Those types of lines could very well be the flash's beam being diffractred or reflected from objects in the room. Often times a powerful speedlight flash will reflect off of things like light fixtures, vinyl window blinds, coffee tables, or other reflective,smooth surfaces; the "bars" or "stripes" can go a surprising distance at times, especially if they hit things like glass coffee table tops. Other bad ones can be large white refrigerators, either white-painted or stainless steel ones, ovens in the kitchen, bathtubs and shower doors, and occasionally some kids toys will really throw some bad reflections. Glass chandeliers can cause horrific reflections at times.

If you can tilt and or tilt and swivel the flash and bounce the flash off of a ceiling or nearby wall, it will probably eliminate the problem. This problem is usually worst when the flash is on-camera and aimed straight ahead in the direction the lens is pointing; bouncing and enlarging the flash's beam will usually cure this situation.
Derrel that is what I was thinking until i changed lens and took the following photo outside in the open without a flash.
wow. yeah, that cant be good right?
i was going to agree with derrel but that second photo has me concerned.
sensor? ill be checking back here to see what the consensus is.
sorry to hear you're having trouble.
Ooooh, that's not diffracted light. Do you have a cheap UV filter on your lens? If so, try shooting without it.
Hmmmm...that sure looks weird! This could be an Ellery Queen mystery on our hands--or maybe a Scooby Doo mystery! "Runky rensor reaks!" or funky sensor streaks! looks like diffracted light. A few things come to mind. Is the rear element of the lens clean? Do you own or could you borrow another lens to cross-check the problem? Does the problem grow worse with higher and higher ISO settings--which might point us to conclude that it's electronic noise, for lack of a better word? Could there be something inside the mirror box, reflecting light that then hits the sensor?

I wonder if there is some type of foggy film on the sensor's anti-aliasing filter pack, which is a thin glass-like filter a couple of millimeters in front of the sensor....could you remove the lens, set the camera's shutter speed to B, or eight seconds or so, and then press the release, allow the mirror to swing up, and then "huff" a little breath onto the sensor, and angle it toward a reading light to see if there is some type of film on the AA filter?? icassell's idea of a cheap UV filter has some merit--but I have never seen straight, line-line ghosting or flaring from a filter--lots of crescents and round flares, but never linear defects. Still, if there is a filter on the lens, it's worth checking out. This is an odd one...
I tried with the UV filter off and a different lens same thing. As far as fogging the AA with my breathe what I see when I fog the glass is a couple of streaks that run both vertical and horiziontal then they disappear as the fog clears. How do I go about cleaning this glass??
Something else to go along with this issue as the ISO goes up the white bars become less at 800 and above they're gone.
The web video Keith linked to above are the products I use--Eclipse and Sensor Swabs. Something is very odd about this sensor problem with your new T1i...if you note, the sensor swabs are quire expensive...around $4 each!

I would seriously think about returning this body--something is just not sounding right about this situation. I think there is a problem with the sensor or the electronics.
Thanks for all the info. I am going to try to clean the sensor and if it is still there i will be talking with Canon.

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