
TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2021
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Should you scare easily there we have it. I chose to put this on thinking I was getting good at post lighting effects. Enjoy!

Three T-Goals left.jpg
I am not entirely sure what you are trying to do..??
I had to ask, why do you think photography requires great lighting effects? If you edit your photo then it should be regulated with a photag. This is in my area. Where I keep my cell phone.
Welcome aboard.

I have to agree with the others, but please, keep trying.

the subject is not clear but I suspect it is whatever is on the left. There isn't really a composition, and it appears out of focus to me. Also, the small red type you are using is not easy to read.
Hello. I don’t get it either. Did you add the object on the left? It looks like a bottle opener. And please change the red micro print to something readable.
I had to ask, why do you think photography requires great lighting effects? If you edit your photo then it should be regulated with a photag. This is in my area. Where I keep my cell phone.
Just a bunch of blah, blah, blah about nothing. If you aren't going to talk about the picture then I won't visit your posts anymore.
If your intent was to draw comment, then you get an "A" for effort. Nothing like a little mystery to draw out the curiosity in this bunch. LOL

If you believe that photography doesn't require great light then you don't understand the basic premise of photography. The camera doesn't create light, it records the light (or lack of) reflecting off the surface of the object you're photographing. The better the quality of that light, (a subject in itself) the better your image. While it is true that certain effects can be created post, most strive to get as close as possible in camera.
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