Canon 1Dc?


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Feb 4, 2011
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Cork Ireland
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Hi all. I am thinking about getting a 1Dc as they are reasonable secondhand here at the moment. My main reason is for the 1/500th sec flash sync. I know its not a high iso camera and the files are relatively small but do you think that despite the age that this is still a viable camera option even now? thanks
I don't understand, isn't Canon EOS 1D C one of the latest creations?
I think he means 1D classic, the original 1D. I guess the "C" in 1D C is 1D cinema.
1d original ya
The 1D is a good old camera if you don't mind the 3 megapixels.

Personally I would look at the 1D Mark II. You can always use high speed sync if you have an EX flash.
I don't have a decent flash yet and am more interested in the value third party options. To be honest I could use high speed sync with them flashes with the gear I have but fancied the weather proof, 8fps and the supposedly fast af for small money, the mark IIs either way are twice the money here, thanks rexbobcat
1D is a great camera in good light,i have shot it at iso3200 with reasonable results but in good light it's good auto focus is very fast not much slower than the modern camera
I got this shot but the guy with the D3 didn't

Here's a few more

iso 640


This one shows you how good the auto focus is
They are great shots.Can I take it from this you would recommend this camera?
If thats all you can afford i dont use mine much now

Thanks for the user info. It would be a luxury buy as I really don't need another camera, the sync speed and that has me tempted though
So the features you are going after.

- 1/500 sync speed
- Faster AF
- Weather seal
- 8 fps

Maybe you need to ask yourself if you really need them, or just want them. For faster AF, you need good lens to take advantage of it, if you do not have one, you are not able to take advantage of the faster AF.

For Weather seal, I don't know, I have not had a chance to really need it. Besides, weather seal body and mount it with a non weather seal lens means no weather seal anyway. As for the sync speed, how often you need 1/500 sync speed? There are times that I do need a higher sync speed. But if I going to spend the money on a body like the 1dc, I'd rather spend that money towards the flash.

As for frame rate, it does come in handy sometimes. But I do not think I will buy the 1dc because I want 8 fps.
So the features you are going after.

- 1/500 sync speed
- Faster AF
- Weather seal
- 8 fps

Maybe you need to ask yourself if you really need them, or just want them. For faster AF, you need good lens to take advantage of it, if you do not have one, you are not able to take advantage of the faster AF.

For Weather seal, I don't know, I have not had a chance to really need it. Besides, weather seal body and mount it with a non weather seal lens means no weather seal anyway. As for the sync speed, how often you need 1/500 sync speed? There are times that I do need a higher sync speed. But if I going to spend the money on a body like the 1dc, I'd rather spend that money towards the flash.

As for frame rate, it does come in handy sometimes. But I do not think I will buy the 1dc because I want 8 fps.
Truthfully i don't need all the functions that often or possibly at all. I spotted one on sale here for 320 euro and out of interest googled the specs.I was surprised by the 1/500th sync speed and a possible shutter speed of 1/16000 and had an idea that these type of speeds gave a flexibility to experiment that I currently don't have. I like doing mostly portraits and generally will photo anything. I have a 7d which does do 8fps. I just imagine that apart from doing some strobist off flash things with that sync speed that I could possible also get some more creative portraits with a narrower dof with the 1.3 crop factor than the 1.6.

Thanks all for the input

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