Canon 50mm 1.8 vs 1.4


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May 20, 2007
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Bolivar, MO
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I have the 1.8. If I were to go with the 1.4 version, how beneficial would that be?

Shutter speed, here... I just plugged in my 50mm 1.8, and in the current lighting situations (morning, haven't turned on lights yet) here are my tests.

F/5.6: 1/4
F/4.0: 1/8
F/2.8: 1/15
F/1.8: 1/60

So, basically I'm wanting to fill in a couple blanks:

F/1.6: ___
F/1.4: ___

Any ideas what I'd be looking at here? I mean, will 1.4 really make a difference?
The difference between f/1.4 and f/1.8 in terms of increasing available shutter speeds is not much.

With the f/1.4 however you are also paying for much better build quality, and generally improved optical quality particularly 'bokeh' and highlights (with the f/1.4 having more aperture blades forming a more circular pattern).

My advice would be not to buy the f/1.4 over the f/1.8 for the difference in aperture, but do consider it if you want a better lens overall and can comfortably afford it. If you aren't much bothered by the shape of specular highlights, and don't mind having a mostly plastic lens, then optically the f/1.8 is very good anyway as you no doubt know.
The difference between F1.4 and F1.8 is just less than one stop, so your shutter speed would be just less than twice as fast....probably from 1/60 to 1/90. That is maybe a noticeable difference but not a significant difference.

As mentioned, the big difference between the two lenses is the build quality.

This was, a few years ago, probably one of the most asked questions on photography forums. Try a search, you will get many many opinions.
If you already have the 1.8 my opinion is that you dont need the 1.4. the money would be better spent to complete another section of your kit (if you are missing anything that is). But, if there isnt anything else that you could see spending your money on, the 1.4 is a nice upgrade in quality... it feels tougher and is all around great to use.
Thanks everyone, that's just what I was wanting to hear.

I like the 1.8 a lot, because I can take pictures when nobody else can :).

Photography for me is an expensive toy, and I am fine with an extent. Eventually, I'd like to see a couple other 1.8 primes in my bag (28 and 85). I'll probably just put that extra money towards one of those. I could definitely rationalize the 85 1.8 for the race track.
I would suggest the 1.4 for Canon for the reasons stated before, the build quality. The 1.4 is built far better than the 1.8.
Both are great lenses.... let your budget decide.

50mm f1.8 - HIGH bang for the buck
The extra cash gets you better build quality and more aperture blades.

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