Capoeira last night


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2011
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Got the camera out so that I didn't end up joining in prematurely (back still injured). Will be doing more over the weekend, so any pointers are much appreciated. Also, is it common for the camera to freak and constantly alter colour balance? The camera seemed to bounce between trying to correct for it and leaving it alone. Curious so I'll know to make sure I fix white balance for then.

I really like the way the D3100 handles low light - some of these were at 1/400 at ISO 1600. Never thought that 1/160 would be too slow to freeze action, that's what I get for being a noob :P

1 by ausemmao, on Flickr

3 by ausemmao, on Flickr

4 by ausemmao, on Flickr

Wish I hadn't missed his hand

5 by ausemmao, on Flickr

7 by ausemmao, on Flickr

Or hers :p

8 by ausemmao, on Flickr
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