Capturing those baby blues


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 1, 2016
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New Britain, CT
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My daughter, Charlotte Sabriel, has the best eyes. I mean, between my partner and I there was no doubt. ;) But, it's really hard to capture them on camera. This morning I had a little success, but a manual focus only lens with a squirmy baby isn't the best pairing.
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I can see why you want to capture them in their best light, they're beautiful!! I'm no expert, but I guessing to narrow DOF rather than focus. You've got some of the eye/lashes in sharp focus. Based on the EXIF in your first image, and guessing on the focus distance, I'd say you're only looking at roughly a 1/4". I'm sure there are others more versed that could probably confirm or elaborate.
Kids make wildlife seem easy! LOL
Yeah, unfortunately with her it's a spray and pray situation. lol. She is really interested in the camera and loves to sit and help me edit. She was being pretty cooperative, so I didn't mess too much with the settings, just tried to grab what I could. But for sure, if I had been thinking about it I would've used a tighter aperture for more depth. I also might have changed to an auto-focus lens, but I was dumbfounded by the eyes, they hypnotized me and sent all of my picture taking knowledge away! lol.
Sweet! One key to kids is gotta be quick!

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these help but you need to be mindful of reflections. removing a brightly colored object from an eye, especially as close up as you are attempting is nearly impossible.


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