Car Photography C&C please


TPF Noob!
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
1/4000, f4.5, ISO 800, bright sunny day... WHAT???? To be honest, this really doesn't do a lot for me; there are so many distracting elements, bright areas and harsh shadows that it seems nothing more than a snapshot; there really isn't anything for which I can see to provide critique. Perhaps if you share your thought-process and vision for the image we can offer some further insight.
^This! Nice looking Cobra, but a totally bad place to shoot it, with terrible light!
1/4000, f4.5, ISO 800, bright sunny day... WHAT???? To be honest, this really doesn't do a lot for me; there are so many distracting elements, bright areas and harsh shadows that it seems nothing more than a snapshot; there really isn't anything for which I can see to provide critique. Perhaps if you share your thought-process and vision for the image we can offer some further insight.

That's aperture priority for you.
That's aperture priority for you.

So the bad lighting and poor choice of ISO were caused by the OP using Aperture Priority? Wow.. camera's are smarter than I thought... Now they are controlling the entire shoot!

There's something seriously wrong with you. You know damn well I was referring to the exposure settings.

Yea.. so was I! I assumed you were joking (blaming the image on AP?)... since I don't care what mode you shoot in, that kind of lighting and background AINT gonna be pretty!
So the bad lighting and poor choice of ISO were caused by the OP using Aperture Priority? Wow.. camera's are smarter than I thought... Now they are controlling the entire shoot!

There's something seriously wrong with you. You know damn well I was referring to the exposure settings.

Yea.. so was I! I assumed you were joking (blaming the image on AP?)... since I don't care what mode you shoot in, that kind of lighting and background AINT gonna be pretty!

Not blaming the image on AP... I'm talking about the out of ordinary exposure settings.

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