Cat in the box.


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Jun 1, 2013
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Orange County, NY
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So to speak! I as driving home one day and saw this fella in that spot once before but on a bail of hay. It was a cloudy day with light rain and there he was again! So, out I jumped and snapped a series of shots. Hope you like it.


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Did you see Schrodinger?
That is absurd! ;)
With all the certainty I see this cat still alive. :lol:
Quite alive! Just sleepy.....
With all the certainty I see this cat still alive. :lol:
I forgot to ad that this is nice picture, however, somehow the cat missed a strong point of the compo.
With all the certainty I see this cat still alive. :lol:
I forgot to ad that this is nice picture, however, somehow the cat missed a strong point of the compo.

Thanks. I felt the eye was drawn to the cat as all the parallel & horizontal lines made him stand out. Ahh well!

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