

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 3, 2010
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I would have pitched the whites up a little bit, but it's a very nice black and white!
I would have pitched the whites up a little bit, but it's a very nice black and white!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Absolutely. Now that's perfect.
Yes, the second one is better. It took me a few minutes to even figure out what it was with the first one (of course that could also be because I'm on my cell phone).
I'm a texture fan, and I love the gravel road ... and there's an element of curiosity to it. The viewer has to look at it and think about it.

The only thing I might change is maybe a bit of bokeh in the BG, but I'd be proud to put this on the wall.
I'm a texture fan, and I love the gravel road ... and there's an element of curiosity to it. The viewer has to look at it and think about it.

The only thing I might change is maybe a bit of bokeh in the BG, but I'd be proud to put this on the wall.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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