CC please


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 9, 2011
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Raleigh NC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
still working on OCF....tried back-lighting but it was affecting my speed-lights
suggestions, please

I have 2 speed-lights bouncing into a reflective umbrella AND I have (but did not use) a continuous strobe pointe tot eh back-drop
Can you tell me what you would do with this equipment

I personally think the image is quite nice, but I could be biased

Hey Rosy Lady.... I love it! I have always loved dancers... one of my favorite subjects! I shot many dancers on film, but have not had the chance to since I picked up digital a few years ago. I think the lighting needed to be a bit softer... how did you diffuse this? Some of the highlights and shadows are a bit more defined than they need to be! The leg leg is basically missing in action (barely visible)... so that needed a bit more light for some detail, as it kind of throws off the image a bit.

... but overall, a nice shot!
hey Charlie

I bounced the light into a reflective umbrella - right and left. I did some funky editing , here is the original and a black and white.
Should I have lit the background
please disregard the dirty particles. I'll clean those up later


hey Charlie

I bounced the light into a reflective umbrella - right and left. I did some funky editing , here is the original and a black and white.
Should I have lit the background
please disregard the dirty particles. I'll clean those up later


What strobes, and how big were the umbrellas? The original has better contrast (you went maybe a little too much on the first image). One other thing that bothers me is the outfit is way too close to the edge.. you will lose that when framing if you don't allow / correct for it. It was be easy to expand the canvas and fill that in so not a big deal. You might also try to bring out that left leg a little more.. it is almost gone in the B&W... a little better in the original. just looks awkward...
SB900 OCF and SB800 speedlights. Umbrellas are 40in
Yep the frame is a bit tight.
SB900 OCF and SB800 speedlights. Umbrellas are 40in
Yep the frame is a bit tight.

get some larger umbrellas.. that will help a lot. And keep them as close to the subject as possible... just outside the camera frame.

I played a little...

Last edited:
Ah, better frame now, Charlie! You also squared it up, thanks!

I actually like the stronger light in the OP. She's managed to catch a little GOBO action on the dancer's arm with the shadow of the tutu. Which I like a lot! Wish there was more!
Ah, better frame now, Charlie! You also squared it up, thanks!

I actually like the stronger light in the OP. She's managed to catch a little GOBO action on the dancer's arm with the shadow of the tutu. Which I like a lot! Wish there was more!

Designer - you like the 1st one
What is GOBO?
I'll post more later
Ah, better frame now, Charlie! You also squared it up, thanks!

I actually like the stronger light in the OP. She's managed to catch a little GOBO action on the dancer's arm with the shadow of the tutu. Which I like a lot! Wish there was more!

Funny... that GOBO you mentioned... bothered the heck out of me... I removed it!
Ah, better frame now, Charlie! You also squared it up, thanks!

I actually like the stronger light in the OP. She's managed to catch a little GOBO action on the dancer's arm with the shadow of the tutu. Which I like a lot! Wish there was more!

Funny... that GOBO you mentioned... bothered the heck out of me... I removed it!

What is GOBO....the suspense is killing me
GOBO is GOes Before Optics. It's things you insert into a lighting fixture between the light and the glass to control things about the light. Gobo (lighting) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this case they're using it to refer to the diffuse shadow cast by the tutu on the girl's left upper arm. Sort of a metaphorical usage, although I suppose it might be standard in some circles?
I did Robin..i did :-(
I did Robin..i did :-(
Busted! LOL jk. Yeah Rosy... Just switch them all to manual. It really isnt that hard. Plus you will get consistent result, even if backlit it. Pretty much the backlit mess up your TTL reading. The flash thinks you have more light bouncing back to the sensor so it underexposed your photo.

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