Studio Product Photography HELP


TPF Noob!
Jan 14, 2025
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Boone, NC
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey there! I'm looking for some tips and advice on studio lighting equipment for product photography.

Currently, we are working with Alien Bees B800 (2) - both setup with a soft box umbrella.
We have a room that is totally white out and I have upgraded the backdrop to a pure white seamless drop. We frequently photograph outerwear and handbags.

I know the lighting is extremely outdated and may not even be what we need but that's why I'm posting this! The equipment was purchased back in 2017.

Not sure if this matters, but we use a Sony A7iii for images. Our images come back looking great, however I know they can be better and I need them to be the very best.

Thank you in advance for all of your tips, equipment suggestions, etc. I'm not opposed to getting feedback on settings either. I always shoot with my aperture at 11, ISO 320, and shutter speed 200.

I will happily send images of our current setup if needed. I'm truly looking to upgrade all equipment!
I've used AB's for years, they've always been solid performers. As mentioned above, a sample shot with your areas of concern would be helpful. Also on your modifiers, what are the specifics? Size, type, diffusion, etc? Why are you shooting in studio at ISO 320, f/11 instead of base ISO, and f/8, what lens are you using?
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