Check out my new lens!!

man.. the shipping is pretty steep for how much you paid for it ;)
Laf, now that is what I call a real beater.

I am also considering bidding on one from the same vendor but not a beater.

BTW, you shooting Pentax by chance?
BTW, you shooting Pentax by chance?

I don't, no. I'd like to. My first SLR was an entry level Pentax ZX-50 35mm. I had the kit lens and a 70-200mm Rokunar(sp?). I ended up selling those to put towards my Digital Rebel. Had I thought it through, I would have bought a Pentax DSLR instead.

I bought an adapter to go from M42 screw mount to EF (with AF confirm). What's going to kill me is it's coming from Hong Kong. 10-14 business days, ugh. The lenses will be here in half that time. (I also bought this lens: Mamiya Sekor 50mm f/2)

I'm really looking forward to having faster glass. Even if it may be of lesser quality, lol.
man.. the shipping is pretty steep for how much you paid for it ;)

I know, right?! I think I'll let it go, though--this time.

Doesn't it look like somebody buried it in their back yard or something. I can't wait to see what I can get out of it. *exciting!*

Ya talk about "used" lol.

I bet that thing was used to photograph WWII!

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