Chicken Soup anyone?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 13, 2024
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Australia Victoria
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Got a friendly Currawong here, he or she's taken Wombaroo outta my hand twice but only twice.

Not a perfect shot of the sparrow, as long as you dont zoom in to see the motion blur😱.

My dopey boys...
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Such curious birds those Currawongs. I always see them around waterfalls. I guess they're smart enough to know the nice places to live. 🌞
Such curious birds those Currawongs. I always see them around waterfalls. I guess they're smart enough to know the nice places to live. 🌞
There beautiful song birds hey, ah had a fledgling break his wing this year. Took him to the vet but they put him to sleep, brought him home and buried him in Vaders garden with little Bandit the magpie.

2 broken wings this year, it's been horrible.
It's sad for sure! We seen a magpie stuck on the side of a fountain a few weeks back with blood running down his wing and back leg, was a weird situation and had no idea what happened. Was painful to leave him there but it was close to dawn so he would have been put out of his misery very shortly. Would have been an easy dinner for a lazy animal... 🫤
Everyone loves chicken soup!! Nice selection of shots :)

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