Chiesa_di_Ges_e_Maria/ Rome italy


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 7, 2011
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Just got back from my 3rd trip from Rome and i took a bunch of church photos.
here is one of them. many more coming soon.

Hope you enjoy!!!

Looks pretty cartoonish. Those lights streaks are a bit distracting and make it busy. Did you use a lens filter or is that a processing filter. The picture itself looks like an interesting picture to work with. It seems like you are little more to the left as it shows more of the church pews.. One recommendation would be to center yourself and raise your perspective so the tripod is lower to the ground and camera is tilted slightly up. I would have liked to see a bit more ceiling.

Perhaps on your next postings you can do what you have in the past with one cartoonish and one more realistic. Another suggestion in this photo. Is that I assume that those are black marble pillars maybe you might want to try to mask in some of the original ones so that it does not seem so busy in that area just a thought.

Look forward to seeing more photos.
Cartoonish, maybe but I really like it. Something about churches that just lend themselves so well to HDR. Is it my eyes or is it leaning right?
Looks like Topaz's need star filter effect package.
I took a few minutes to try to edit your image. What I did was took down the saturation a bit and used a softening filter with a little bit of a glow.



I wish I could go to Rome...:er:
Looks pretty cartoonish. Those lights streaks are a bit distracting and make it busy. Did you use a lens filter or is that a processing filter. The picture itself looks like an interesting picture to work with. It seems like you are little more to the left as it shows more of the church pews.. One recommendation would be to center yourself and raise your perspective so the tripod is lower to the ground and camera is tilted slightly up. I would have liked to see a bit more ceiling.

Perhaps on your next postings you can do what you have in the past with one cartoonish and one more realistic. Another suggestion in this photo. Is that I assume that those are black marble pillars maybe you might want to try to mask in some of the original ones so that it does not seem so busy in that area just a thought.

Look forward to seeing more photos.

Vip, I dont understand how this is cartoony because I use my realistic Preset. I agree that the stars make it a little fake. Yes it is Topaz stars filter. I will make a overcooked version later this weekend. Thats easy! Here is a version where i toned down the Saturation and I took out the stars in the candles. Let me know what you think.

JRE313 - I don't know how to explain it maybe its my monitor. We all have our own styles not saying its right or wrong its just your style. If you feel comfterable on how these look and thats the look you are trying to achieve than thats all that matters.

I happen to like somewhat realistic/surreal with a manipulation of colors as you can see in my processed HDR's. When I started out I wanted to keep adding and adding filters to my photos and at the time they looked good, now looking back I am not as fond with them how I once was.

Without sounding like a jerk it seems like you are trying to hard, example, the stars filters. I think you should toss those out all together. It takes away from the beauty of the church, it's just distracting. Natural light flares are cool and I don't mind those. In your first image it just seem to vibrant. Now I can only assume that some of those churches would be rather dark, this church looks like it was really well lit and I am not sure if it was or processing did that. I tend to try to process images according to their vibe (not all the time) and how I felt when I was there. It seems like all your photos share the same look. There is not much difference of the those Harley's, cars and church. Perhaps that is implanted in my head so when I view your images my eyes are clouded my past postings, I don't know. I am trying to give the best CC I can and help you as I have in the past.

What I do like are the pews, alter, red pillars, those arches and the top portion of the middle. What I don't like is the floor (to yellow) the stars all that sharp texture ( maybe would not look as bad if it was softer). Did you use spicify for this one? I am not a big fan of spicify at this time. Portrait drama I am starting to use but usually will mask many parts of the layer. Even though there is some black I feel like there is no depth. More 2d than 3d....

I don't think there is anything wrong with colorful saturated HDR as long as it still keeps some realistic qualities (sometimes cartoony is fitting to the photo but not church)

Some samples. These are very much saturated but keep the realistic quality that makes me wonder if its real or a painting.







Like I said at the end of the night if you are happy than kudos to you and that is all that matters!!
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VIP, I see your point, Later this week I will post another view of the same church. It will be overcooked version.
I have plenty more churches to go. Hopefully you will like them. Trying to get away from overcooked altogether.

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