Christmas Cactus 2024

Nice. MLW has had one for a few years and it bloomedd for the first time this year; I don't recall when it was.
My grandfather picked up a cactus when we were "out west" in 1965. No isea what kind but when Dad got it in the 80s it was about 6' tall and "spindly." It bloomed, for the first time that we know of, in the lare 80s or early 90s. Unfortunately we no longer have it.

I will be taking one or two of the yuccas to ME; they belonged to my uncle and when he passed, Dad picked them up.
I will be taking one or two of the yuccas to ME
Sorry but I hate those things. We had some at the old house, I swear I think they could move. Didn't seem to matter how far away I got from them, invariably they'd stick me!!
Yeah. The ones I move will not be beside the driveway or walkway. Maybe the edge of the main road.
And they are prettier than stingin nettles and briars.
A couple of my Christmas Cactus have buds and should bloom in the next couple of weeks. The flowers are more magenta and bloom several times a year. We had Spanish Bayonet Yucca in Florida, and boy did those things hurt if you ran into one or kicked one. I had to walk a half mile home with one that went through my tennis shoe and stuck in my big toe, so that I could get pliers to pull it out. Great security plants, just place them below the windows and nobody is going to mess with them.

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