Cold Water


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Mar 29, 2016
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Just got back from a trip to the mountains. Unfortunately it was more work than play this time, so didn't get many chances behind the camera. Most of the places I wanted to go were closed till April, but I did find this.
IMGP7751.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
Nice image, I could sit there with a cuppa

This is along a road into the park, and an area I like to fish. The road starts out paved, turns to gravel and eventually dirt. Unfortunately we were only able to go to the end of the paved road. Park service had the road closed for repairs.
Looks peaceful. Love a mountain stream.
Looks like a honey hole. Nice shot.

Thanks. I've never fished this part, I like to go several miles further up toward the headwaters.
nice composition, just like from books ... however the background seems to me a bit overshapened ... with this kind of background I'd consider a wider AP and focus on stone to prevent background being razor sharp ... but the image is really nice .. I am only thinking loud
nice use of the foreground rocks. beautiful water.
nice composition, just like from books ... however the background seems to me a bit overshapened ... with this kind of background I'd consider a wider AP and focus on stone to prevent background being razor sharp ... but the image is really nice .. I am only thinking loud

This was shot at f/8 to catch the foreground rock in focus, as well as part the water and matching rock on the other side. There was no sharpening done to the image, but I also noticed the trees in the back were a little sharper than I would have liked. So much so that I pulled a graduated filter on on it to reduce sharpness and clarity. Maybe it needs a tad more?

@Space Face, @K9Kirk, and @nokk Thank you!
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