Color Popping


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2007
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Knoxville, TN
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
How in PS do you make those colors pop? I think I need to take a PS class.
Well, I think saturation is going to be your easiest way to make the colors pop. But then again, there is a thin line between pop and cartoonish.

I'm taking a photoshop class next term, I can't wait to get the lovely pop that only seems to come with experience.
Or you can shoot Velvia 50....
That's true the new camera RAW can work on jpeg files too. But I hardly see the point. All the features in camera RAW are accessible from within photoshop only better since most can be put on their own adjustment layer then blended in to taste.

What you're looking for is the image -> adjustments - menu. Lots of things to go pop in there. Play with curves levels and saturation.

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