Combining Multiple Exposures for Windows in Photoshop CS5


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2013
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United States
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When I shoot indoors I have a difficult time combining my exposures of the interior and the window. This tutorial uses a process of using the blue channel to create contrast, selecting the black pixels, and then creating a layer mask: Photography For Real Estate » Some One Took The Glass Out Of The Windows!

I haven't been able to successfully use this technique, because there are areas outside of the window that are black and areas within the window that are white so when I create the mask there is a mish-mash of what the layer shows. I end up with a terrifying image of spots of extreme underexposure on the interior and blown out portions in the windows.

If you have suggestions for tutorials of alternate masking methods, better ways to take my initial exposures--or alter the RAW file--to prepare for blending, or any other advice I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you
I have a short tutorial found in Photoshop User magazine (jan/feb 2009) showing an original way to mask an image (the one exposed for the windows) using the other one (the image exposed for inside). It can give some surprising results. I can send you this article on demand

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