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TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2004
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Wow, great detail in that second one!
I'm not too sure on the first one but the second one is stunning you've captured the colour and the detail beautifully.
#2 is fantastic. I love the detail and I am in awe at how the bee and the flower are the same color of yellow and it makes the bee look see through.
Thanks everyone :)
Thanks, Im really surprised no one has asked what the first shot is yet.
I was wondering that too, it is either given away in your sig pic or it is not nice to post ones ignorance in public, i am still not sure if i have it right, the milky way (OK now everyone knows how daft i am ;) ), really very impressive shot.

pursuer said:
Thanks, Im really surprised no one has asked what the first shot is yet.

er.... so am i!.... come on, its gotta be a close up of jupiters surface or summin crazy.... maybe an extreme close up of summin mundane?....

I like em both btw..... and im sure i'll like 1 more when i know what it is?!
:D it does look a lot like the milky way or some other astronomical scene but its just a rock.

This rock specifically:

If it makes you guys feel any better it has a fancy name, it is a quartz biotite schist. The black grains of mica have been arranged in rows by extreme heat and pressure. Thanks again guys.

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