Concert Photography


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2009
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This is the first time I took photos at concerts with my DSRL, I think the result is not too shabby

Click for flickr
I like the first one. I'm not big on the dark silhouetted ones.
Same as above.

The first is killer. I'd like to see a bigger verison of this for focus / sharpness

The photo with the guy in the hat would be fun if it was just him and his hat was more obvious.

I like the attempt with the parents / kid wathching the show, but their heads together look more like a mass and you can't distinguish the different people easily

The last shot is just an out of focus blurry shot, me no likey
update: a new shot from another concert

Click for flickr

Im gonna upload also other shots so stay in touch :)
Are these photoshopped in any way?

Click for flickr
And I suggest you to view it large :)
Nice shots! I like #1 the best. What camera/lens did you use?
love the pictures with the lighting and only capturing the peoples shadows.. i did one at the aquarium in atlanta with the jellyfish and blue/neon lighting. i will have to find it. nice.

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