Contest Winner

Chris Stegner

TPF Noob!
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ft. Thomas, KY
Can others edit my Photos
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I haven't entered a photo contest since my Air Force days (30 years ago). But I decided I'd enter the WEBN Fireworks Photo contest this year.

WEBN is a local (Cincinnati) radio station that sponsors a huge Labor Day event every year in Cincinnati. Hundreds of thousands of spectators surround the Cincinnati valley among the hills. It's a really cool event.

Anyway, I decided to shoot it for the first time in about 25 years and decided to get as close as I could. I prefer to shoot from the Kentucky side of the Ohio River that way the Cincinnati skyline is in the background. I went right down on the river bank, as a matter of fact, my feet were on a rock in the water.

Here's one of the resulting shots. I just was notified that I won.

Here's the rest of the gallery if you're interested in looking:

What do you guys think? Worthy of winning?

Thanks for looking!

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What do you guys think? Worthy of winning?
Difficult to say without seeing the other entries :)

Most fireworks shots put me to sleep (including my own!), but this has got to be one of the best I've ever seen. Congrats on the award!
The instant I saw that, I thought 'Thunder over Louisville' lol. I really like the shot though. I especially like the clarity in the big shooter reflections in the water at the bottom. The 'squiggles' in it are very sharp and its really not something you usually see.
The water and reflection makes this shot!!! Congrats!!!
great shot, i really really like the composition. what were your settings? any pp?
Nice! Like mishele said, the water and the reflection really make this shot! Congrats!

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