Cosmos in a Cosmos


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Jul 25, 2014
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Cosmos in a Cosmos
Cosmos flower stems and leaves with Turmeric, Paprika and Dill and a spritzing of diluted vinegar, a soapsud or two and much needed Kosher salt. Finished off with a nice peroxide rinse.

Gorgeous results! I love your colors and the wild look of this.

Does the peroxide act as a clearing agent? Help with contrast? 🤔
Gorgeous results! I love your colors and the wild look of this.

Does the peroxide act as a clearing agent? Help with contrast? 🤔
The peroxide just speeds up the natural oxidation that would have occurred within 24-48 hours anyway. Water is the clearing agent.
Water is the clearing agent.
Ah, of course it is. Gosh, it's been many moons since I worked like this. Usually with actual Polaroid image transfers where they needed a gentle wash - I think I added maybe a spoonful of vinegar or something similar to aid that process.

I'm loving your recent work! :icon_cheers:
Ah, of course it is. Gosh, it's been many moons since I worked like this. Usually with actual Polaroid image transfers where they needed a gentle wash - I think I added maybe a spoonful of vinegar or something similar to aid that process.

I'm loving your recent work! :icon_cheers:
I generally give the emulsion a gentle misting of diluted vinegar before adding the herbs and another gentle misting on the saran wrap just for fun and because it tends to work the soap bubbles better.
Thought the Webb telescope had breathed its last-hah!
Sounds like you were making a salad.....LOL

Great stuff and very different.

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