Anyone ever use a 'photography' belt?


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Jan 23, 2019
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I don't mean one of those camera harnesses or a vest, think more like a tactical belt for photography. A lot of my time is spent moving around, and I can end up covering some distance (mostly back and forth). Up until now I've used a backpack to keep accessories, a spare body and alternate lenses handy but lugging the backpack around is becoming a chore. Last year I bought a new zoom that has become my workhorse and does about 90% of the job during the day, so I don't switch back and forth as much as I used to. In fact I find myself leaving the backpack in the car quite a bit, so I end up carrying things separately, which is no better. I've looked all over for a different style bag, but none have any advantage over the backpack.

Last night I hit on the idea of using a belt with a minimum number of attachments. Two lens pouches, one for the workhorse and one for a wider zoom, a small pouch for batteries, cards, cellphone, and other things, and a water bottle holster. I can take what I need for immediate use and leave the rest in the vehicle just in case. I like the idea of being able to leave the belt on when I'm moving around a lot or taking it off and setting it down when possible.

Anyone have any experience with something similar? I guess my biggest concern is how cumbersome it is in use. It sounds nice and compact, but...?
Never tried a tactical belt but I have used a carpenters belt. I can tell you that it's handy to a point, but can quickly become overloaded. When that happens it's a PITA to keep pulling up. I have a mesh vest that I use for light objects, but in warm weather it can get hot. The bag I use most for on the go is a canvas crossbody chest sling bag similar to this.

It's adjusted to ride lower, under arm, allows free use of camera on either a single or dbl rig. Need to search for the right fit, the pouch on mine is a little bigger than this one, and has more small pockets.
I have tons of bags, more than anyone should. Don't tell my wife. :tapedshut:

I've had them all in the field, from slings to shoulder to messenger. The backpack is the king so far. I agree vest are too hot, and no way I'm wearing harness.

If this belt thing doesn't work I'll likely just keep doing what I am now. The goal is to have something I can keep on (usually) without getting overheated or weighed down.
If this belt thing doesn't work I'll likely just keep doing what I am now. The goal is to have something I can keep on for the (usually) without getting overheated or weighed down.

Therein is the problem, I always add "just one more thing in case". LOL Usually don't end up needing it, but lug it around. The carpenter tool belt I've used is really handy, but boy is it a pain when it gets heavy and starts sliding down....maybe I don't have the butt to hold it up. :icon_biggrin:
Therein is the problem, I always add "just one more thing in case". LOL Usually don't end up needing it, but lug it around. The carpenter tool belt I've used is really handy, but boy is it a pain when it gets heavy and starts sliding down....maybe I don't have the butt to hold it up. :icon_biggrin:
Agreed! The good news is that I can take everything I need with me and leave the 'just in case' stuff in the car and access it pretty easily. This is more about having short term gear on hand. A spare card in case of a failure, spare batteries, a water bottle, one of those cheap disposable ponchos.

I am absolutely worried about having to 'hitch up my drawers' all the time! I used to carry a second camera/lens on a PD capture clip. Works great except it pulls my pants down!
Try gear mixes on you on the bathroom scale. Harnesses and belts? Fine if the "Darth Vader on vacation" look appeals. No clue what you're shooting subject or gear-wise or where. Cross-body bags seem to hit the sweet spot on the access/mobility scale. Then there's honesty: do you really need to lug ALL that stuff around?
Recall buying a new Domke ballistic F1x off eBay from a gent who habitually filled it only to find it unbearably heavy. Solution? Smaller bag.
No clue what you're shooting subject or gear-wise or where.

Correct, which is why I'm seeking user-experience with a similar setup, not recommendations for other setups. I already know my parameters.

I expect that this belt thing is just odd enough that there may not be anyone who has tried it. I did a search on Amazon and it actually came up with several 'photography belts'. Who knew? 🤷‍♂️
Correct, which is why I'm seeking user-experience with a similar setup, not recommendations for other setups. I already know my parameters.

I expect that this belt thing is just odd enough that there may not be anyone who has tried it. I did a search on Amazon and it actually came up with several 'photography belts'. Who knew? 🤷‍♂️
Don't forget industrial-grade suspenders to keep the belt aloft!
I'm hoping that the water bottle, small pouch of 'stuff', and a single lens won't be enough to bring down the house! I'd better stop going commando, just in case! :laughing:
I'm hoping that the water bottle, small pouch of 'stuff', and a single lens won't be enough to bring down the house! I'd better stop going commando, just in case! :laughing:
You laugh but those belts (& pants) slide with out warning when you're sweating.

@cgw I finally went with suspenders on the carpenter tool belt. Only way to keep things up. LOL
Another vote for the backpack. I've worn tool belts for work, and they are without a doubt the most uncomfortable things I've ever worn.
Another vote for the backpack. I've worn tool belts for work, and they are without a doubt the most uncomfortable things I've ever worn.
I used to be a carpenter. This is not a tool belt.
I used to be a carpenter. This is not a tool belt.
It’s a belt, with pockets, you put heavy stuff in, just like a tool belt. Unless I’m missing something, (which would not be unusual). Having that weight concentrated on your hips gets real old real fast for me.
It’s a belt, with pockets, you put heavy stuff in, just like a tool belt. Unless I’m missing something, (which would not be unusual). Having that weight concentrated on your hips gets real old real fast for me.
There won't be that much weight. And you might've missed the fact that I've been using a backpack for the intended purpose for a couple of years, and am trying to downsize.

I plan on two lens pouches, but only one will have a lens in it, the other will be on the camera. A small pouch for business cards, a couple batteries, etc., and the water bottle. That will probably be the heaviest thing when full. That's it.

In any event, everything has been ordered. Total was $65, so not a ridiculous price to give it a shot. If I hate it I'll find other uses for them. The lens pouches will always have a use even if it's only storage.

Those aren't pockets, they're loops. Everything uses MOLLE.

You can see how small this pouch is scaled to the pen.

I'll need the first and third, based on my lens sizes.

This could be the heavyweight, we'll have to see.

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